Title | Narration | Location | |
SC01 | A | On Thursday the 7th August, His Excellency the Governor accompanied by the Hon Colonial Secretary and a large party of gentlemen started from Busselton at noon for a visit to the West Australian Timber Company’s works at Lockeville. | Beach |
SC01 | B | It was a splendid day for the trip and as the tide was low the sea beach offered an excellent road all the way to the Timber Station ; carriages bowled swiftly, and the horsemen cantered along the smooth and gently-shelving sandy shore rendered hard by the rippling waves that splashed at the horses feet. | Beach |
SC02 | A | A five-mile drive brought the Governor and his suite to the Company's Jetty and Mr. Simpson, the Manager of the Timber Works, met His Excellency at the bridge over the estuary, and led the party to inspect the saw mills. | Beach |
SC02 | B | The bridge had been decorated with flags in honor of the event; and His Excellency’s approach to the works was greeted by loud cheers from the assembled crowd of workmen . | Bridge |
The steam mills and the principle sheds for the timber works, are built close by the sea beach, and are connected by several lines of rail that branch off from the main line running over the bridge to the end of the jetty. | Mill | ||
SC03 | A | Near the main buildings of the works is situated a storehouse, and sprinkled around are the numerous cottages of the workmen, which give the sile the appearance of a busy village The mills were hard at work when the party arrived, and the first look was given to the machinery, and to the general inspection of the premises. | Mill |
SC03 | B | The saws are four in number, two vertical and two circular saws, driven by a powerful steam engine, capable of turning out 40,000 feet of sawn timber per day. The whole design and construction of the buildings appears to be excellent, while the visitor was struck with the rapidity with which the work was carried on and the order and good management which wd shown in every department of the business. | Mill |
SC03 | C | The general arrangement and the details of the machinery, were courteously explained by Mr. Simpson to his distinguished guests, to whom the inspection of the works afforded a great deal of interest and satisfaction. | Mill |
SC03 | D | Large quantities of sawn timber were stacked ready for shipment,and for some distance along the railway leading from the saw mills to the forest, the ground was covered thickly with enormous trunks of trees, and large timbers awaiting their turn at the mills. | Mill |
SC03 | E | Every portion of the works was in full operation and the whole ground presented an appearance of ceaseless activity and despatch which told weil of the prosperity of the undertaking. | Mill |
SC03 | F | From early morning to night the shrill scream of the steam engine is heard with the loud incessant rattle of the machinery, which, together with the shrieking cry of the circular saws, and the frequent whistle of the locomotive, arriving heavily loaded from the bush, or carrying off the cut timber to the jetty, make up a concert of sounds quite deafening to the ear, but speaking in loud tones of energy, and work, and progress. | Mill |
SC04 | A | After spending about an hour in the inspection of the company's premises, the whole party adjourned to the Lockville Hotel, where Simpeon entertained his guests at an excellent luncheon. | Hotel |
SC04 | B | After ample justice had been done to the good cheer provided, Mr. Simpson called upon the company to fill their glasses to drink to the health of His Excellency, and he proposed that toast with a few remarks referring to the company of which he was the representative in this colony, and also to the hopeful prospects of the timber trade. | Hotel |
SC04 | C | Mr. Simpson acknowledged with gratitude the assistance he had received from the present Government, and he asserted that had it not been for Governor Weld, the company would never have had an existence. | Hotel |
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SC05 | A | The small locomotive and three trucks were standing in readiness, and no time was lost in making a start. The vice-regal carriage was decorated and covered with an awning, and plentifully supplied with cushions, but in the absence of springs, it was impossible to expect the trucks to run very easy. They traveled over the ground however, without as much jarring and jolting as might have been expected, but with a peculiar tremulous motion, which kept every passenger on the shake, and caused some amusement. | OnTrain |
SC05 | B | The Ballaarat was under the skillful pilotage of Mr. Watson, the Company’s engineer, and did very good work; steaming along with perfect ease at an average speed of fifteen miles an hour, but in some places going much faster. | OnTrain |
SC05 | C | There is not much to remark upon the line, The country over which it runs is very flat and sandy, and is mostly covered with scrub and stunted trees. The line offered no difficulties of an engineering character, and is mostly laid upon the surface of the ground, with slight cuttings in places; | OnTrain |
SC05 | D | The gradients are very easy, with one exception, near Yokonup, where for a short distance a rise of one in sixty occurs. The construction of the line is of a very simple character, but is well suited to the work it is intended for; the rails are flatbottomed, weighing thirty pounds to the yard, and are fastened by means of dognails to transverse sleepers, that lie about three feet apart. The gravelly sand found on the surface has been used for ballast, and would appear to answer well for that purpose. | OnTrain |
SC05 | E | The general condition of the permanent way was good, and it in some open places travelling was found to be decidedly rough, it must be bourne in mind that the trucks which conveyed the party were unprovided with springs, which is sufficient reason to account for the most violent jolting, even on the smoothest roads. The extreme lightness of the rails attracted some attention and in places it was observed that the rails were slightly bent and flattened, apparently, from the effects of heavy traffic. This would lead to the conclusion that a heavier rail would have been preferable, and should be adopted for the proposed lines to be carried out by the Government. | OnTrain |
SC05 | F | The railway is built on the narrow gauge of 3ft 6in which is a gauge remarkably well adapted to light and cheap construction, and sufficiently wide for the requirements of the line. | OnTrain |
SC06 | A | A pleasant run of twelve miles brought the train to the bush station ol Yokouup, the present terminus, Toward the end ofthe line the aspect of the country became quite changed, and the railway ran in theconfines of a huge forest of jarrah, | Yokunup Station |
SC06 | B | Numerous teams were being employed in bringing heavy logs of timber, and very long trunks of young trees for piles. | Yokunup Station |
SC06 | C | The grounds of the station, on which a few wooden huts had been erected, were thickly strewn with large quantities of timber lor the saw mills; and yet the supply from the forest did not keep pace with the demand, and Mr. Simpson, at the time, was making great efforts to obtain a large number of teams, and better means of carriage to therailway. | Yokunup Station |
SC07 | A | After making a short stay at the station, the party returned by train, and arrived all safe and sound at the Lockewille station by 6 pm, when His Excellency and suite left immediately for Busselton. | Yokunup Station |